Power Inverter Remote Control

 Wall mount and control panel acceptable
 Built-in ON/OFF button
 Digital meters for battery level, output load level and operating status on remote control panel
 LED indicator for remote ON/OFF, abnormal and power saving mode
 Remote panel with 10FT cable length, optional for 25FT or 50FT
 Connect directly to the remote socket of inverter, no power supply needed
 3 years warranty




DIGITAL METERDisplay the battery level, output load level, and operating status of inverter unit
CONTROL OUTPUTRemote ON/OFF for inverter unit
LED INDICATORRemote turn ON(Green) ; Remote turn Off(Orange) ;Abnormal (Red) ; Saving mode (Orange flash)


REMOTE ON/OFF CONTROLThe controlled inverter unit can be turned ON/OFF on the remote control panel for IRC1 / IRC2 / IRC3
POWER SAVING CONTROLPower saving enable / disable activation
SUITABLE SERIESTS-700 / 1000 / 1500 / 3000
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